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Date Achievements
19th October 2001

Announcement entitling widows to continue receiving the pension of their deceased husbands upon their re-marriage

1st September 2001 Amendment to the Immigration Regulations against discrimination of Malaysian women marrying foreign spouses. Male foreigners marrying Malaysian woman spouses are allowed to renew social visit passes annually
1st August 2001

The Parliament approves the Amendment to Article 8.2 of the Malaysian Constitution – Prohibition of Gender Discrimination

23rd July 2001

Priority is given to single mothers with monthly incomes below RM600 to own low-cost homes located in a concentrated area.

30th january 2001

Establishment of the Ministry of Women and Family Development

17th January 2001

Announcement of the establishment of a Ministry for Women Affairs

* Click here for achievements of the MWFCD in development and social welfare
* Click here for achievements of the MWFCD at the international level