Achievements 2005
Date | Achievement |
Year 2005 | To help low income parents obtain more organised and quality childcare services, the government agreed that ten pilot community TASKA (childcare centre) be established under the stewardship of the SWD. The TASKA was premised on the government-NGO smart partnership principle whereby the NGO and the community would run the TASKA with government financial assistance. | |
Year 2005 | To help women who were not working or who were forced to stop working owing to domestic commitments to generate their own income, the government agreed to introduce the home office concept. Through this concept, women could begin businesses or commerce on a small scale from their homes. The regulations and procedures of this kind of work are being coordinated by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government. | |
Year 2005 | To lighten the financial burden of single mothers to sustain their children's schooling, the government agreed that private companies that fostered single mothers' children and paid for their education till form five be given tax exemption up to RM200,000 annually. | |
29th October 2005 | To help senior citizens, the disabled, the needy and victims of disasters at the grass roots level, the Council of Welfare and Social Development (CWSD) was set up in every state and parliamentary constituency. The Prime Minister launched this council on 29 October 2005. | |
25th August 2005 | The Women's Financial Initiative Programme (I-Kew) was launched by the MWFCD on 25 August 2005 in conjunction with Women's Day celebrations. Under this programme, the MWFCD through the DWD and SWD collaborated with six companies, i.e. Mostwell Sdn Bhd, Procter & Gamble, Puppy Winks, Maybank Sdn Bhd, Clara International Beauty Group and Yeoh Tiong Lay. This programme aimed at increasing the skills and capability of women. The target group of this programme was women especially single mothers and unemployed female graduates. | |
25th July 2005 |
To empower the public especially women about health and the importance of early detection of illness, the Nur Sejahtera Clinic set up a call centre named NFPPB Healthline. It was launched by the Minister of Women, Family and Community Development on 25 July 2005. The information about selected illnesses was based on the frequency of its occurrence in Malaysia so that prevention and early treatment could be carried out. |
* Click here for achievements of the MWFCD in development and social welfare | ||
* Click here for achievements of the MWFCD at the international level |